Mistwood Publishing Started as an idea, a dream. Slowly, it became a reality.
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A childhood filled with moments of wild imagination, late nights reading R.A. Salvatore novels, and weekends watching The Lord of the Rings, created a foundation. That foundation grew as a young Shae R. Mowry journeyed through the rough terrains of high school and found solitude in stories. Stories that transcended reality and brought him to a place of refuge. Steadily, ideas began to form in his head, stories and characters of his making. These ideas grew as he moved on to attend college at Olivet Nazarene University. Sitting on his favorite bench outside Chapman Hall, he read The Lord of the Rings by his hero, J.R.R. Tolkien. Mowry’s dream began to focus. Ideas were written down, and a vision began to take shape. By his junior year at Olivet, Mowry had dabbled in putting pen to paper but had failed to complete any lasting story. Persistence would prove useful to him as he continued to attempt writing. In 2015, Mowry graduated Olivet with a bachelor’s degree in Social Science Education and a minor in English Education. That following summer, Mowry had finished the first draft to his first novel.
Mistwood Publishing is a company where authors without the connections can get their books published and not sacrifice the quality of the product. It is a place for authors who want the freedom of self-publishing and the quality of traditional publishing. But most importantly, it is a place that believes in stories that inspire.
A year later the book was sent to copyright and the second novel was well underway. A problem arose in the mind of Mowry however: publishing. He researched traditional publishing and decided he didn’t like it. He didn’t like the sacrifice of freedom and rights to the stories, so he decided to self-publish. Quickly, he realized that self-published books typically looked terrible, so he set it upon himself to make a book that broke the stereotype. Thus, the idea of Mistwood Publishing was born. It began as just a way to publish his own stories and make it appear as if they were published by a real company, but then it grew on to be what it is today. Shae Mowry realized that Mistwood Publishing could be bigger than just himself, he wanted others to share in the gratification of self-written, well produced, books.